Good Evening All, so we have agreed a compounding strategy for marketing in the interim.

15 Aug 2023, 20:05
Good Evening All, so we have agreed a compounding strategy for marketing in the interim. You will see this week the changes but the fundamental one is we are going to do a significant amount of video content across YT Shorts, Instagram, Tiktok etc. It is clear the AMAs hold huge value but only a few watch them or indeed can understand them. I am going to record simple, short debriefs following each AMA and push them across all the platforms within 24 hours of each AMA. I will record videos tomorrow for last week's AMA and put those out this week. We will also be doing more video product updates on channels and of course individual announcements. @Kiauia will drop the link in for all new posts into each group and I woud encourage you to like, share and comment to sparead the word in this flat period. I have also pushed up the deadline for the token site to be ready this month with full utility explanation videos on page. We are in a limbo period as we frantically work on rolling out the rebrand quickly before the main product launch. I need the new brand in my hand for when I go to South Korea beginning of Sept at least in Beta stage as I have lots of meetings lined up. Definitely the roughest period we have all gone through and in a dream world price would reflect effort and what we are achieving but those days are coming. Thanks for staying positive. Russell